
Ice Sail – The Memorial

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $14.99.

BOGO FREE: **Mix and Match** McBeth 6 Claw, and Certain Memorial Championship Exclusives; Online Only!!!

Memorial Limited Edition Ice Sail

“Spinners” Flight Rating:

  • Speed/Skill 9
  • Glide 8
  • Turn -3
  • Fade 1.5

Highlights –

  1. Limited Edition – Memorial Championship Exclusive
  2. DGA Ice Material is Similar to Discraft’s CryZtal Plastic
  3. Only 170-174g are left (All Orange)

As soon as we opened a box of these Ice Sails before the event, we knew right away we had something special in our hands! A slight dip on top, where the inside rim meets the flight plate, typically means a beefier thrower. After a couple of us ran down to Vista to test it out, our hopes were confirmed. These Memorial Limited Edition Ice Sails are more overstable than average but with ADDED glide!!

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